10 Horrifying Traps a (Good) House Inspector Might Find

Number One: Asbestos. Enough said.

Number Two: Termites. In a word: EVIL.

Number Three: Fire hazards. Wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy.

Number Four: Faulty smoke alarms. It’s a thing.

Number Five: Ghosts. Okay, kidding. Okay, maybe not, but yeah.

Number Six: Sinking foundations. Don’t worry it’s not you.

Number Seven: Working smoke alarms installed in not so strategic areas.

Number Eight: Rats and other vermin. I know, disgusting right?

Number Nine: Asbestos. Oh, I said that? Well, it needed to be said once more.

Number Ten: Mould. Not only does it look horrible, it’s a potential health hazard.

For a good house inspection, why not call Jim’s Building Inspections? Recommended for homebuyers, vendors, property investors, commercial clients and property managers.

They’ll identify major defects, spot safety hazards, help with maintenance planning and repairs. Even help with your renovation plans.