With winter only around 7 weeks away it is time to think about doing those essential jobs around the home that is really easy to forget. Then one day you look out the window and you have water cascading down your fascia and into your eaves. This happened to me about a month ago in a downpour and i had less than 1cm of debris in my gutters. Just because you don’t have overhanging trees does NOT mean that you do not have a problem with debris in your gutters. The property where these photos were taken had absolutely no overhanging trees. This is quite simply seeds that have germinated from bird droppings, now grasses have grown which in turn block the gutter and we see this ALL the time. This can be easily attended to by the homeowner if you are ok on a ladder and have good access. However there are professional companies that have vacuums with camera set ups that can do this from the ground so that could be an option also and is much safer.

Just remember the cost of occasional maintenance is far cheaper than the cost or repairs due to neglect.

– Clear roof gutters and valleys

– Clear ground drains and grates of built up debris. Flush out with hose to ensure function,

– Go out to the road and clear out the drainage pipe in the gutter if you have one.

– Prepare and repaint any external timbers that may have a deteriorated coating.

– And don’t forget to fertilize the garden to give it one last boost prior to going dormant through the colder months.

– Another good tip is to go out during a rain event and do a perimeter check. Ensuring there are no leaks to gutters and that drains are functioning correctly.

– Make sure that around the perimeter of your house is clear of debris that can promote moisture and mould.

So from all of us at Jim’s Building Inspection’s, stay safe.