Whilst it’s up to you, the majority of our clients simply provide the Real Estate Agents details and then we will then contact them to organise the date and time of the house inspection.
Generally this saves you a few more phone calls and emails. You probably have a bit on your hands at the moment anyway!
We will of course get from you any important information related to the scheduling of your house inspection. This could be the number of days in your offer or cooling off period or an offers ending by date or auction date. However, we will always aim to schedule the inspection as soon as possible.
Once the house inspection is scheduled we will let you know with a text, call or email and you can then expect a phone call when we finish the inspection to discuss the findings.
After the site visit you can expect your report within 24hours although you’ll often receive it before then.
Delays in scheduling inspections generally relate to rented or tenanted houses. Tenants are entitled to a minimum period of notice by Regulation. Great tenants are flexible and in our experience most work with us proactively to get the inspection scheduled quickly.
In terms of a national average I would say organising your house inspection takes just 1-3 days at most.