Is Your Smoke Alarm Up To Scratch

Fires can spread rapidly (in less than five minutes) through your house, according to findings from a Fire & Rescue NSW report. Interesting also is that homeowners are encouraged to look at how many fire alarms in their house to cover all potential fire traps.

Recommendations in the Smoke Alarms in Homes: Stage 2 report suggest the number of smoke alarms be increased to one per bedroom and living space. This also includes stairways and hallways. Furthermore the report backs an interconnected system and sprinkler systems for larger shared residences.

“Connecting multiple alarms around the house ensures that if one alarm detects smoke, all alarms will activate to sound the warning,” reports a story. “Alarms can be interconnected by wires in the ceiling space or by wireless interconnection.”

Finally, Jim’s Building Inspections is able to thoroughly check a number of different premises.

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