Call 131 546 and get a quote or book a Building and Pest Inspection for Schouten Island online today.
Jim’s Building Inspections offers Building and Pest Inspections and Reports in Schouten Island . Our Building Inspectors have local knowledge and the extensive industry experience needed to assist you with your Building Inspection and the detection of Termites or timber Pests.
All our Building and Pest Inspectors have public liability and professional indemnity insurance, so you can make your next purchase with complete confidence.
Jim’s can often provide same day Building and Pest Inspection services in Schouten Island and provide written reports via email within 24 hours of the inspection being carried out.
Building & Pest Inspection Checklist
Our comprehensive reports consists of the following information:
- Documentation of major hazards safety hazards, such as structural issues or the suspected presence of asbestos.
- Documentation of minor defects, such as expected property maintenance
- Overview on the presence and/or workings of termites or timber pests
- Review of any present conditions that may attract or assist termite or timber pest infestation
- Information on the works that may be required to rectify defects or issues
- Recommendations of appropriate trades to perform necessary works
All our reports come with detailed photos describing defects and other potential issues.
How Quickly Can I Get a Report?
In most situations, Jim’s Building Inspections can offer same day Building and Pest Inspection service to Schouten Island and provide reports via email within 24 hours of the inspection being completed.
Benefits of a Building and Pest Inspection Report
Unlike a basic building inspection, Building and Pest Inspections identify the presence of termites and other pests, as well as highlighting conditions conducive to future activity. Due to the devastating damage termites can cause, these reports are considered vital in most parts of Australia.
If major defects or termite activity is found, our reports provide the knowledge you need to either avoid purchasing the affected property – saving you from stress and financial loss – or assist in negotiating an appropriate price that factors in corrective action that may need to be taken.
By obtaining a Jim’s Building and Pest Inspection, our clients are also able to plan ahead and factor in any additional costs such as maintenance, repairs and future renovations. Due to the popularity and necessity of these inspections, we offer the Building and Pest reports combined at a discounted rate – saving you money and helping you to minimize risk.
To arrange a quote or a Building and Pest Inspection for a property in Schouten Island, call Jim’s Building Inspections on 131 546.
Or book your Schouten Island Building and Pest Inspection service online. Remember, reports can be delivered within 24 hours of inspection.
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