Dilapidation Report Inspection in progress by Jim's Building InspectionsCall 131  546 and get a quote or book online to get a Dilapidation Report for Maidstone today.

Do you require a dilapidation report in Maidstone? Our local inspectors are able to assist you with your dilapidation surveys. It is advisable to have a dilapidation report done if construction or demolition work on adjoining properties may damage your home.

Or if you’re involved in property development and you need to monitor the impact of your development on neighbouring properties.

All our inspectors have extensive experience, public liability and professional indemnity insurance. You can protect yourself against financial loss when you use Jim’s Building Inspections to carry out a dilapidation report.

Jim’s Building Inspections can offer same day service and provide reports via email within 24 hours of the inspection being carried out.  To book, just call 131  546 7 days; or book online 24/7.



Download a Sample Dilapidation Inspection Report here

Sample Dilapidation Report


A dilapidation report is a snapshot on the condition of a property at two specific times. Initially, the report records the condition of a property; including any visible damage, that exists prior to the commencement of nearby works (building, demolition or excavation works). The report then documents the condition of the property after the works are complete. The report can therefore be used to protect the owner of property from any claims regarding damage, that is alleged to have occurred due to building works.


Who we service

    This report is for:

  • Neighbours
  • New construction projects
  • Work on semi-detached buildings
  • Builders undertaking extensions and renovations

Type of work

    This report is used for:

  • Demolition
  • Excavation
  • Trench digging
  • Compaction of earth
  • Drilling or Boring

Potential Damage

    The report records:

  • Impact damage
  • Cracking
  • Subsidence
  • Water damage
  • Dust/dirt or debris

To arrange a quote or a dilapidation report for a property in Maidstone, call Jim’s Building Inspections on 131 546.

Or book your dilapidation report service online. Remember, reports can be delivered within 24 hours of inspection.

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