Call 131 546 and get a quote or book online to get a Dilapidation Report for Upper Scamander today.
Do you require a dilapidation report in Upper Scamander? Our local inspectors are able to assist you with your dilapidation surveys. It is advisable to have a dilapidation report done if construction or demolition work on adjoining properties may damage your home.
Or if you’re involved in property development and you need to monitor the impact of your development on neighbouring properties.
All our inspectors have extensive experience, public liability and professional indemnity insurance. You can protect yourself against financial loss when you use Jim’s Building Inspections to carry out a dilapidation report.
Jim’s Building Inspections can offer same day service and provide reports via email within 24 hours of the inspection being carried out. To book, just call 131 546 7 days; or book online 24/7.
Download a Sample Dilapidation Inspection Report here
A dilapidation report is a snapshot on the condition of a property at two specific times. Initially, the report records the condition of a property; including any visible damage, that exists prior to the commencement of nearby works (building, demolition or excavation works). The report then documents the condition of the property after the works are complete. The report can therefore be used to protect the owner of property from any claims regarding damage, that is alleged to have occurred due to building works.
This report is for:
This report is used for:
The report records:
To arrange a quote or a dilapidation report for a property in Upper Scamander, call Jim’s Building Inspections on 131 546.
Or book your dilapidation report service online. Remember, reports can be delivered within 24 hours of inspection.
Fact - Termites Hate Good Building Inspectors
A good building inspector knows how to find termite issues. A bad building inspector, by way of contrast, is a termite’s best friend. When Joe Blow (not his real name) bought a two-bedroom 1920s terrace in Sydney’s inner west for around $1 mil...Read more
The Science Of Inspections
There’s a science to property inspections. Seriously. Because while your average inspector can and does spot problems, a trained inspector can find problems behind problems and other easy-to-miss issues. What’s more, he or she is less likely t...Read more
New homes & Termite zones
An increasing number of councils across Australia are seeing the value in designating residential zones as termite prone areas in an effort to help local communities avoid costly repairs and horror surprises in the future. Victoria is the only Aus...Read more
Asbestos - Not Just About Housing
FEATHERS were flying in Red Hill last week when neighbours discovered asbestos sheeting was being removed from a disused chicken shed near their properties. First reported in the Southern Peninsula News (6 November 2018) the story continues: Mo...Read more
Over the past two years, the most common Significant defect found, is the damp shower. Modern showers are aesthetically pleasing and appear to be installed to the highest standard. However, countless showers have been found this year to have damp cor...Read more
The Politics Of Smoke Alarms
From 1993 to 2015, CSIRO conducted tests on smoke alarms but the public is yet to read the findings. This comes at a time when activists want ionised smoke alarms banned due to alleged issues with response times to common fires. In America, the alarm...Read more
Building? Here Are Mark Campbell's Lessons Learned
“My rationale for building new was threefold,” writes Mark Campbell, a working-class Aussie. “Firstly, it enabled me to have control over the end product and it made sense from an investment perspective because I could maximise depreciation and...Read more
Asbestos-Caused Cancer Trends Up
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Save $1000s With a Depreciation Schedule
Investment properties are a great way to secure your financial future. As an informed investor you’ll want to take advantage of all of the tax benefits that are available to residential property investors. Who wants to pay more tax than they need t...Read more
Property Management and Smoke Alarms are Good Friends
Property management and smoke alarms are good friends. Or at least they should be. Worst possible scenario: Inaction can lead to deaths and a stint in prison. It’s a familiar story, even in developed countries, however. From one BBC report: “A...Read more