To arrange a quote or a Pre Purchase Building Inspection for a property in Meander, call Jim’s Building Inspections today on 131 546.
Or book your Meander Building Inspection service online 24/7.
Pre purchase building inspections in Meander can be conducted at short notice – often on the same day & reports back to you within 24 hours.
Jim’s Building Inspections have local Meander inspectors with the experience needed to undertake a thorough property inspection. And for added peace of mind, your Jim’s Building Pre-Purchase Inspection Reports are fully insured and guaranteed.
A Pre-Purchase Building Inspection provides you with the information you need to make a sound financial decision, plan for renovations, budget for repairs and ultimately confirm if the property is worth the asking price. Know the risks before you buy and save yourself from financial loss.
Need a Pre-Purchase inspection at fast? Jim’s can often provide same day service for Pre Purchase Building Inspections in Meander and provides reports via email within 24 hours of the inspection being carried out.
Different people require vary degrees of information on any given property. We understand this and have created three options of pre-purchase building inspections for your convenience:
Package includes:
Package includes:
Package includes:
The Building Inspection is primarily carried out on apartments above ground floor where there is a low risk of termite, timber or other pest related damage. It is also a common inspection type in specific states, where conditions are less conducive to termite, timber or other pest related activity.
The Building and Termite Inspection is our most popular inspection and includes everything in the basic inspection package, whilst also checking for termite, timber or other related pests.
The Premium Inspection includes everything in the previous packages whilst also inspecting the electrical, plumbing and gas. This inspection type is often used for buildings over 40 years old, which may require upgrades to key utilities.
The sample of Jim’s Pre-Purchase Building Inspection report can be viewed here
To arrange a quote or a pre purchase building inspection for a property in Meander, call Jim’s Building Inspections today on 131 546.
Or book your Meander Building Inspection service online. Remember, reports can be delivered online within 24 hours of inspection.
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