Termite Inspections in progress by Jim's Building Inspections AustraliaCall 131 546 and get a quote or book a Ugbrook Termite Inspection Online today.

Jim’s Building Inspections services all of Ugbrook with Termite Inspection reports. Our Termite Inspectors have local knowledge and the extensive industry experience needed to assist you with the detection of termites and timber pests.

All of our Termite Inspectors have public liability and professional indemnity insurance, so you can have complete confidence whether you’re buying a new property, examining an existing property or your own home.

Jim’s Building Inspections can offer same day termite inspection services in Ugbrook and provide reports via email within 24 hours of the inspection being carried out.

Termite Inspection Cost

Inspection costs vary by state, and region, as well as the size, structure and condition of the property.

However on average, the cost of a Pest and Termite Inspection with Jim’s Building Inspection on average is $330 nationally.

Termite Inspection Checklist

Our comprehensive reports contain the following information:

  • Documentation of any termite and timber pest activity
  • Listing of any obstructions or limitations that occurred during the inspection
  • Assessment as to risk of undetected termite and timber pest activity
  • Information on whether the property has conditions conducive to termite activity
  • Details of any previous termite treatments carried out on the property
  • The inspector’s advice and recommendations regarding the requirement for an additional or invasive inspection.

How Quickly Can I Get a Report?

In most scenarios, Jim’s Building Inspections can offer same day service for Termites in Ugbrook and provide reports via email within 24 hours of the inspection being completed.

Call 131 546 and get a quote or book a termite inspection online today.

Benefits of Termite Inspection Report

Many Australian homes and buildings do not currently have a termite barrier in place. Does yours? It is critical that a professional Termite Inspection is carried out on any Ugbrook property you are considering purchasing. The annual value of accrued termite damage exceeds that of floods, storm and fires throughout Australia each year (combined).

With this in mind, the majority of Australian homeowners are unaware that the average household insurance policy does not accommodate for termite damage. This means that all costs relating to treatment and the repair of termite damage is the responsibility of the owner.

To arrange a quote or a Termite Inspection for a property in Ugbrook, call Jim’s Building Inspections on 131 546.

Or book your Termite Inspection service online. Remember, reports can be delivered within 24 hours of inspection. We urge you NOT to buy a property without one.

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In Ugbrook

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