A commercial asbestos inspection is essential for property owners, facility managers, and businesses, especially those managing or operating in older buildings. It’s crucial for anyone responsible for maintaining a safe environment and complying with health and safety regulations.

This includes property managers overseeing maintenance and renovations, business owners preparing to buy or sell commercial properties, and tenants ensuring their workspaces are free from asbestos-related hazards. Regular inspections help identify and manage asbestos risks effectively, safeguarding occupants and meeting regulatory requirements.

Business owners and managers must assess (by law) whether asbestos is present at their respective workplace(s). If asbestos is found to be present businesses must maintain and make available an asbestos register along with a management plan. For more information about the obligations of workplace owners and managers please refer to:

  • www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au
  • www.asbestossafety.gov.au

Alternatively, if you are located in Victoria or Western Australia please refer to your state based occupational health and safety agency.

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Frequently asked questions


Workplaces must comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Acts and their related Regulations, in their State. Work safety authorities in each state have issued Compliance Codes to provide practical guidance to those who have duties or obligations under the OHS Act and Regulations, in particular persons with management control of workplaces.

These Codes generally advise on the responsibilities of workplace managers, including how to safely manage and arrange for the safe removal of asbestos in the workplace.

In particular these codes describe the Workplace Managers responsibility to:

  • Identify where asbestos containing materials may be present in the workplace building
  • Ensure only persons deemed competent under the regulations must conduct the asbestos identification
  • Create and maintain a compliant Asbestos Register of all locations where Asbestos Containing Materials has been confirmed or is suspected to be present
  • Make the Asbestos Register available to all employees and persons working in the building (ie subcontractors and trades)
  • Treat any inaccessible areas, which would otherwise be excluded from the inspection, as potential Asbestos Containing Materials sites
  • Adhere to the method and process for taking and analysing samples of suspected Asbestos Containing Materials
  • Keep the Asbestos Register current documenting any occurrences like damage or works which have occurred in affected areas
  • Indicate the presence of Asbestos Containing Material in the workplace by physically labeling the locations and other strategies
  • Control the risks of the Asbestos Containing Material identified in the building by implementing recommended strategies from an Asbestos Management Plan

Further information about the requirements of Managers of Workplaces can be found at: http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/

Jim’s Building Inspections Asbestos Register and Management Plan can be updated as part of programmed annual re-inspections offered by Jim’s Building Inspections.

National Asbestos Exposure Register

The Government has created a register to record the details of members of the Australian community who think they may have been exposed to asbestos containing materials.

The National Asbestos Exposure Register is managed by the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency.

If you think you may have been exposed to asbestos containing materials you can register your details by completing the National asbestos exposure register form (go to – asbestossafety.gov.au/national-asbestos-exposure-register) and emailing it to: enquiries@asbestossafety.gov.au or print and fax to: (02) 6204 2029.

The Asbestos Inspection Process
  • Identification of building materials suspected to contain asbestos.
  • Description of the condition of the suspected ACM.
  • Identification of urgent and serious safety hazards.
  • Recommendations regarding management and removal.
  • If your inspection includes sampling, you will receive:
  • Record of locations
  • Photographic information
  • Lab analysis reports, a NATA-accredited laboratory.
  • Once asbestos is identified in a workplace we have a number of other services to help you comply with WHS obligations, including:
  • Labelling of asbestos locations
  • Creation of an asbestos register
  • Creation of asbestos management plans
  • Scheduled or recurrent condition inspections.