Who needs a mould inspection?

Mould falls into the fungi family and can be present in both outdoor and indoor environments. The growth of mould is a result of wet or poorly ventilated areas, which have excessive moisture and are continuously damp. There are various different types of mould—some of which pose serious health risks if not removed.

Common places in the home where mould can develop include bathrooms, wallpaper, tiles, carpet and ceilings. It is also possible that mould growth can incur within insulation materials and wooden structures.

The most common symptoms for those affected by mould include skin irritation, eye irritation, nose irritation, wheezing and asthma attacks. In more serious cases, people can develop a mould infection in the lungs.

We will come to the property and perform a thorough mould inspection to determine the source of the issue. Using specialized equipment, the inspector will take a sample of the mould to gain further insights. A comprehensive report will then be compiled and advice will be given on the next steps in rectifying the conditions causing the mould and mould remediation options available.

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Frequently asked questions

What areas do we service?

We service the majority of Australia with key locations in metropolitan and regional areas.

Find your local building inspector today. Our inspectors will provide professional, expert and unbiased information on the workmanship and finishes of the property.

What equipment do we use?

We conduct a visual inspection as well as use the following instruments:

  • Different scopes and sounding devices
  • Moisture meters
  • Thermal imaging cameras
What do we inspect?
  • Exterior of the building
  • Interior of the building
  • The strata scheme
  • Waterproofing
  • Insurance for the building
  • Building reports
  • Harmoniousness